"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - LaoTzu

Today's post is short but sweet!
Yesterday, I began a 90-day journey to rock the rest of this year OUT!!! I actually started a little earlier than that (for my business), but officially began for my personal life yesterday?
Why am I doing this? Simply put...it's time!
There are simply those moments in life when you realize that it's time to get super focused on making lifelong dreams and goals actually happen.
My personal goals...
*To heal my mind through daily meditation and repetition of my personal affirmations.
*Get rid of excuses by becoming more disciplined in my work and home life.
*Become highly focused on the certified courses I'm taking to better my skills in my businesses.
*Above all...stay persistent!
So much of what holds us back in life is not other people but actually ourselves. We hold our own selves back from living the life of our dreams because of the limitations we've set in our own minds! I'm letting go of the things that once limited me!
It is time to let it go! You and I cannot live an extraordinary life if we keep going around the same mountain, through the same cycles, down the same path, living with the same mindset. How boring!
Make a decision to reach for things you've never reached for before!
Embrace the person you want to be and let go of the person you used to be.

In fact, let's do this together! Starting today, join me for the next 90 days! I'll be sharing tips, encouraging posts, something funny, or something inspiring that has inspired me as well!
Let's begin now!
What are your personal goals?
* Set 3 personal, reachable, goals that you would like to achieve by the end of these 90 days. Write them out every day!
* Write a daily gratitude list of ten things you're grateful for!
* Make yourself a special quiet time every day where you bring all of your focus on the life you desire and shut out anything contrary to your dreams.
I'm so excited to do this with you! This is going to be so much fun!
Make sure to follow me on Instagram and like my new facebook page to stay even more connected!!! You can also subscribe to my mailing list!
As always...
I'm sending you lots of love and hugs from my heart to yours!
Have a fantastic day!